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Your Personal Prescription to Better Health 

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The seeds which come from the moringa pods are rich in vitamins and minerals. 

Moringa seeds are packed with  Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Calcium. Potassium and Protein.

The most popular medicinal use of this plant involves drying and grinding down moringa leaves, where most of the antioxidants are found. Moringa leaves have many vitamins and minerals. One cup of fresh, chopped leaves (21 grams) contains 2 grams of Protein, Vitamine B6, Vitamine C, Iron, Riboflavin, Vitamina A, Magnesium, Quercetin, and Chlorogenic acid.



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Roots of the tree provide soil sequestration to transfer CO 2 into the soil, advancing food and nutritional security, increasing renewability and quality of water, improving biodiversity, and strengthening elemental recycling.

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